Open House. Open House on Sunday, March 25, 2018 1:00PM - 3:00PM .

March 8th is International Women's Day - a day to recognize women's achievements and acknowledge the challenges they continue to face in striving for gender equality - in Canada and around the world.
How do we support the women in our communities, Canada and wolrdwide? First of all, we need to understand the challenges and issues that women face. These include, but are not limited to, under representation in leadership roles and politics, women in the workforce earning only 68% of male counterparts (for the same work), and high rates of gender based violence.
How do we make changes? It doesn't happen overnight, but it does start with attitude and behaviour changes. Recognize that subtle, every day sexism and discrimmination allow for gender inequality to exist and persist.
With this being said, let's all take a moment to acknowledge the amazing women in our lives, and make active efforts to support them by changing the way we think about gender roles and responsibilities.
I will be doing an open house today, March 4 between 1:00pm and 3:00pm at 29 Willow Link in Fort Saskatchewan. There may or may not be refreshments :) In addition, check out the link as several Realtors from my office are doing a massive Open House blitz today. Get out of the house and check out some of these fantastic listings: