Fort Saskatchewan has been a relatively strong market this year. If houses are priced right, they will sell in a timely manner. Here are some numbers from the first half of 2017. To date, there have been 283 properties that have sold of which 165 were detached single family homes. The average list price of these houses was $432,546 with average sale price of $423,184. Days on market (DOM) was hovering around 57.
There have been 79 duplexes that have sold thus far in 2017, with an average list price around $330,000 and selling for an average of $323,500. Average days on market for duplexes was 98 (lots of competition drives those DOM up).
Laslty, we had 40 condo's sell in Fort Saskatchewan in the first half. Average list price of $262,000 with average sale price at $252,000. Days on market was approimately 70.
In the last 30 days, we've had 85 properties come onto the market, with 56 sales. More properties being listed than being sold. It continues to be a balanced market, with a slight shift to the buyers market as supply is more than meeting the demand.
If you have any questions about the local market, or are thinking about buying or selling, give me a call. Welcome home.
Happy birthday to the most amazing country in the world. Very proud to be Canadian, and very proud of the people that make this such a great nation!
For event details in Fort Saskatchewan today, click on the link Canada 150 in Fort Saskatchewan
Have a safe and memorable Canada day EH!